Tough Mudder
October 30, 2023Dragon Boat Race 2019
What an amazing day, full of memories of our dear friend Ben ‘Biggsy’ Hucks, full of energy for our new charity and hopes of what the future will bring for the children and families we can help.
W e were using the event to raise the profile of the charity as we were fairly new, a few participants managed to raise some sponsorship for taking part and it turned out we raised a fair amount of funds for the charity as well. The day started with us pitching up a few gazebos (pink of course), as a base for the team and to try and promote LLLO.
A team of 12 oarsmen and women were in a boat with one drummer/pace setter at the front. We had a team of 20 participants so had to pick for every race (some opted out due to exhaustion!!!)
A few heat races and we had made the semi finals. We had only entered for team building and to put LLLO on the map, now we were nearing the final!!, a real buzz come over the team and supporters, could we actually win this??? We made it through to the final, on paper it was between us and another team as the times for all races had been recorded.
As we set up on the start line the nerves started to kick in, we were off. Heads down, arms pumping, drum beating, the rhythm was good. We saw our opponents start pulling away and done everything we could to respond, our supporters were cheering us on with every paddle and we could hear chants of “livvy Lou’s, livvy Lou’s” from the shoreline, we started to gain, then draw up level, then what seemed like an age we just creeped in front!! Had we done it?? Was it enough??
Initially we thought our opponents had won as thier supporters were cheering, however by the time we had arrived at shore news came fast that we had WON!!!!
“We are the champions” Our first ever dragon boat race as LLLO and we won!!!
What an amazing day, full of memories of our dear friend Ben ‘Biggsy’ Hucks, full of energy for our new charity and hopes of what the future will bring for the children and families we can help.
Thanks to everyone who helped organise and join us.