Franco Truss' story

Francos mum and dad, Fiona and Danny, came to us wondering if we could help thier beautiful boy who has Autsim and is non verbal. Franco was growing up fast and the family needed a safe and easier way to get him around. We were able to help with the purchase of a mobility buggy, which Francos family say “has helped us massively as a family as Franco can become very restless sometimes when we are out as a family and this allows him to be comfortable and safe.”

Fiona Truss- ‘We just wanted to say a massive thank you to “Livvy Lou’s Loved Ones” for helping us support our youngest son Franco.’

Franco is 5 years old and is on the ASD spectrum and non verbal.

To help with this his family thought an IPad with access to specialist apps would help him communicate and give him comfort when he becomes distressed, we were again able to help with the purchase of this.

We just wanted to say a massive thank you to “Livvy Lou’s Loved Ones” for helping us support our youngest son Franco.

Fiona Truss

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